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“Will,” I said, “let’s draw clovers and stars.”
“No, mother” he replied. “We must get close to the work. Climb on top of it if we can. Bang it with our instruments . . .and see what the paper and the crayons reveal to us.”
Stephanie & Will (3/18/17)


“When I go to paint I should obey the painting, not my wishes for the painting.”
Billy Childish


“In order to paint one has to go by the way one does not know. Art is like turning corners; one never knows what is around the corner until one has made the turn.”
Milton Avery


“Everything transitory is only a simile. What we see is but a suggestion, a possibility, a makeshift. True reality lies invisible underneath.”
Paul Klee


“ . . . we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
II Corinthians 4:8


"Before me it is beautiful, I wander about,

  I—beautiful—wander about

Behind me it is beautiful, I wander about,

  I—beautiful—wander about

Below me it is beautiful, I wander about,

  I—beautiful—wander about

Above me it is beautiful, I wander about,

  I—beautiful—wander about

All around me it is beautiful, I wander about,

  I—beautiful—wander about."

Navajo Blessingway ceremony

Asheville, NC

©2020 by Marobeth Ruegg

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